Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Circle Dayvid's Story

This story Ty Marshal .... I just finished reading The Circle Dayvid Story. Ty I want to physically fight you. This book had me hanging on to every word. This story exceeded my expectations after readin about the other Porters. Dayvid had to end like this. Damn this story was off the chain.  

*****A must read

So thirtsy for the next book.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Cartel 5 book Review

The Cartel 5..... Damn Damn Damn !!  I couldn't go to sleep because i had to finish the book. Exceeded my expectations and well worth the wait.  Ashley Antoinette & Author JaQuavis Coleman This book was drama sex surprises just wild. Loved it your work gets better with every book i read.


Prada plan 4

Prada Plan 4 was nothing short of amazing. I promise Ashley Antoinette writing style, the way she havr u thinkin one way and twist into something else is just wonderful. I am fascinated on the way her imagination can take u on so many journeys in one story.


Sunday, August 31, 2014

Heavy by Keisha Tyree

This book grabbed my attention on page one. Drama love and loyalty all in one. When the story was over i wanted to know more. I was so into Alaska and the crew.
This story taught u life lesson about friendships. Why u should be faithful.

5 stars

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Autumn's story The Cirle book review

***** The porter family story get better and better with each book. Keisha did her thang and keeps u lost and excited with Autumn's story. Get this book now.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Rain' s Story The Circle Book Review

This story is getting better and better with each book. Treasure Blue doesn't dissappoints with the story of Rain. I will not give it away but I am more into the Porter family then ever. This family is crazy wonderful and exciting.

***** Book A must read

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Business Festival

The 1st Youngstown Business Festival!!!!!
This festival is not only for authors, but for small business owners to market their items to the city. A percentage of the fees will be donated to a local fundraiser for youngstown. This will be the first of many festival to come. I want to not only share my imagination with you but show you what other wonderful hair salons, restauraunts, daycares, and musicians etc. that the city has to offer.
The first 20 people to take part in the festival fee will be discounted. Instead of $55.00 you will only pay $35.00. Refreshments will be included as spoke of before for all table holders. We will also have a special for those who cannot be there but want some of their items to be advertised or sold will have a special fee of $ 25.00. The 25.00 fee will provide a table where a person will market/sale your items along with others for you. If you are interested in any of these options, I need to be emailed immediately at youngstownbook festival@gmail.com.
The event will be at St Michael social hall on the west side of Youngstown, Ohio. This will take place on 8/2/14 10am-5pm.

Thank your for time and I hope to work with each and everyone of you. If you know of anyone else that would be interested please share the information.
Any questions please contact myself at Youngstownbookfestival@gmail.com.
Dana Driver

Monday, March 17, 2014

Youngstown Book Festival

The book festival will be on Saturday 8/2/14. There is a $55.00 entrance fee. There will e refreshments included for all table holders. The fee includes a table and 2 chairs. It also includes a a 20 minute slot for some you time. During that time you can read a portion of your work or do questions and answers. You can decorate the table with your own table cloth or book stands.

Look forward to working with you and havibg a great time at the Book Festival.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Hustle Chronicles by Black Topp

The hustle chronicles 1 & 2 had it all. Drama family love sex and lessons....

***** a journey i would have to take

Loved it getting ready to read 3

Sunday, January 19, 2014

What ya girl won't do by Brandi Johnson

This a book for some of these young hard headed girls. Teaches you about Karma  honesty and friendships. Its a great book to read. Go get it


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Silent Cries by Lashawnda N Robinson

This is a book of poetry. One of my favorite poems is Over a man & Gansta VS Mother. The book is full of emotions. So a good read

***** A great journey to take.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Heart of a goon by Danny Tavathan

***** A journey you have to take. In this book it shows how your surroundings can influence your life. That one thing can be be the difference in all future choices. It also makes you question if my mom or dad was about that life, does it mean it automatically destine for u to live that life.  This is the first of a series. Go out and get your copy so you can get hooked on Lenny Lowdown's lifestyle.